"Give generously to Him and do so without a grudging heart; then because of this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in everything you put your hand to"
Deuteronomy 15:10
Here at Culpeper Baptist Church we are dedicated to the Kingdom mission by reaching lives for Christ and we would like you to share in that mission with us. Online giving is available for one-time gifts or for scheduled, recurring contributions. Whether you'd like to give a single gift, schedule ongoing contributions, or view your giving history, you can do it all from your computer or mobile phone. It's quick, easy, and secure.
Text to give
To give by text: text the phrase culpeperbaptist to 77977*
*(When you send ‘culpeperbaptist’ to 77977, you will receive a one time reply containing a link to give to Culpeper Baptist Church. Please be aware that Msg & Data rates may apply. For full Terms & Conditions please visit For the Privacy Policy please visit For help reply HELP or STOP to cancel. )
End of Year Contributions
Through your generosity we have had a wonderful year of ministry and mission. From international work in Ukraine, Pakistan, Israel to Hurricane Relief and the work of denominational partners -you have made a difference. As we have celebrated our 250th Anniversary, we have connected to Culpeper in new ways through our ministries and welcoming people and organizations to our building. Thank you for how your generosity empowers the work of the church!

Access your current giving statement through the church database:
Ways to Give at Year-End:
Click on each option to learn more
Cash Gifts
If you itemize, you can lower your income taxes by simply
writing a check on or before December 31 each year. If your envelope is
postmarked by December 31, your gift qualifies as a current-year deduction.
Qualified IRA Distribution
In 2024, People age 70.5 and older can make
Qualified Charitable Distributions directly from their Individual Retirement
Accounts. If you desire to make a Qualified IRA Distribution, you should
contact you IRA trustee to make the necessary arrangements. The church will
provide a written acknowledgement showing the contribution date, amount
and confirmation that no goods or services were received. Qualified
Charitable Distributions must be completed by the end of 2024.
Real Estate
Please contact the church office for more
information on best ways to do this.
Gifts of Stock
If you own stock, it is often more beneficial to contribute stock
than to contribute cash because of a twofold tax savings. First, you can avoid
paying capital gains tax on the increase in stock value, and you receive an
income tax deduction. If you plan to give stock as part of your contribution
please contact Elizabeth O’Reilly – finance manager:
Automatic Bank Draft
You can submit your tithe and gifts through your bank's online bill payment
service. Your bank will send Culpeper Baptist the payment, and we will add it
to your giving record as if you had written a check yourself.
Indicate “Culpeper Baptist” as your payee, specify your name as the account,
and use the following information for the payee address:
Culpeper Baptist Church
318 S. West Street, Culpeper, VA
If you have any questions regarding finances or online giving, please contact, Elizabeth O'Reilly at