Upcoming Events
February 8 – 9:00 a.m.
Join us for a women's brunch sponsored by our church ministries team. ...
Starting February 12
Contact Jeanine (jjudd@culpeperbaptist.org) or Rebecca (rschwier@culpeperbaptist.org) for more info. ...
Save money AND have fun!
We had a great first meeting on January 26!Here's a quick review: We...
Culpeper Concert Series
The Culpeper Concert Series will feature 5 great concerts this year! Our...
Women’s Retreat -May 3
CBC and Maranatha Women will join together to attend the Northstar Women's...
Package 20,000 Meals in 2 Hours!
We are excited to bring EVERYONE together who meets at 318 S...
Join Us In Person or Online
Who we are
Culpeper Baptist Church has a rich history dating back to 1774, rooted in the principles of religious liberty. Our founders, like pastor Nathaniel Saunders and pastor John Leland, made courageous stands for freedom of belief. We continue their legacy today by embracing our past while focusing on the present and the future.
From advocating for religious freedom to building the Culpeper retirement home and the Culpeper Baptist Child Development Center, we’ve always responded to God’s Mission.
Join us on Sundays to
be a part of this
Connect with fellow
members of our
community, either
during our services
or throughout the
We’re committed
to connecting,
one person
at a time.