Small Groups



Small Groups





Groups at Culpeper Baptist

Our small groups meet in various locations throughout the week with many time options and offer a wide range of topics and fellowship opportunities.  We have groups for children, youth, young adults, adults, Financial Peace, grief groups and more.  For more info -contact Dan ( 

Please, Sorry, Thanks

Sundays 9:00 A.m. || ROOM 303

Strengthen your spiritual, mental, and emotional health and reach your most audacious goals with three simple but power-packed words—from the New York Times bestselling author of Win the Day. Starting February 23rd, and child care will be provided. Please signup with Jeanine and the church will provide a book for you. Learn more...

Contact: Jeanine Judd;


When Faith Becomes Sight Bible Study

see details || in-person & zoom options

This Bible study for women will explore the subject of Heaven from a biblical perspective, separating what’s true about Heaven from what’s based on legend, media depictions, and hopeful guesses. Starting the week of March 3rd. Learn more...

Contact: Grace Savage;


Book of Acts Bible Study

Mondays or Wednesdays 2:00 P.m. || The Culpeper

Acts is the story of living out being a disciple and the spreading of the Gospel. What did the early Christians and Church really look like? Come take the journey with us as we learn from Luke’s second book. Let’s study together and find out how to live as Gospel spreaders. Learn more and access the study guide...

Contact: Hans Murdock;


Before We Gather

Sundays 9:00 A.m. || Music office (3rd floor)

Acts is the story of living out being a disciple and the spreading of the Gospel. What did the early Christians and Church really look like? Come take the journey with us as we learn from Luke’s second book. Let’s study together and find out how to live as Gospel spreaders. Learn More...

Contact: Lindsay Dean;


Sermon Discussion Group

Sundays 11:15 A.m. || Room 303

Would you like to get to know some folks AND discuss the sermon? Come join us right after the 10:00 a.m. service in Room 303 (3rd floor). Starting January 19th.

Contact: Dan Carlton;


Gospel of John

Sundays 9:00 A.m. || Room 317

We will be utilizing N.T. Wright's study guide for the Gospel of John; The Story of God and the World. Our study will finish before Easter Sunday. Starting February 2nd.

Contact: Dan Carlton;


Financial Peace University

Sundays 4:00 P.m. || IG space

Finances on your mind as you start a new year? Join our Financial Peace class. We have a preview session on Sunday, January 19th at 11AM in Room 307.
The course will start on January 26 at 4:00 p.m. This nine-lesson class uses biblical wisdom and common sense to help you tackle budgeting, pay off debt, and make your money work for you! Stop putting it off –let’s go! Learn more...

To sign up for the class - click here

Contact: Dan Carlton;


Men's Small Groups

Mondays 7:00 P.m. || IG Space


Precepts: Genesis Part 2

Tuesdays 9:30 A.m. || via zoom

The course will cover the fall of humanity, the escalation of sin in the world, and God's responses through judgment and grace. Key events will include the fall of Adam and Eve; the serpent; the relationship of Cain and Abel and Cain's murder of his brother; the Flood and the Tower of Babel. Learn More...

Contact: Pam Jackson;


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