(we are grateful to Joyce Beales who is now in her 7th year of writing ministry recaps!)
February was quite the rollercoaster of weather, with a bit of everything! The warm and cold shifts, even including snow, definitely kept things interesting. Dare I mention the “holiday” at the beginning of the month?! Even in our age of cutting-edge technology and sophistication, there's something charming about relying on a ground hog’s "prediction" for the coming of Spring. Phil’s annual forecast has become a beloved ritual, and—it’s refreshing that we haven’t let go of it. THANK YOU, Phil! We’re nearly there!
Like all the preceding months, February was exciting here at CBC. For instance, February’s Acoustic Café featured a young, up-and-coming artist and performer, Isaac Clark, playing a wide variety of songs from country to pop. Carol Young, Keith Walters, and Terry Sullivan also performed everything from original compositions to country hits and the trio, Acoustic Creed, rounded out the evening playing Americano favorite covers mixed with their own original music.
Speaking of music, the children’s choir has gotten a great start and will be meeting at 6:00 p.m. the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays in the third-floor choir suite. If you have a little person in your family that loves to sing, join Rebecca Schwier, director, on Wednesday evenings. Your children will enjoy Rebecca’s contagious enthusiasm as well as Jeanine’s and Maria’s gentle encouragement. It’s a win-win for everyone!
A second option for children ages K through grade 5 is our children’s group, UNITE, which meets at 6:00 p.m. on 1st and 3rd Wednesday evenings beginning next month. This is a fun group that includes Bible stories and games as well as crafts.
Another popular gathering during the month was the well-attended Ladies’ Brunch, a brainchild of our Church Ministries Team. Following a delicious brunch, the ladies enjoyed meeting new friends, making crafts and singing together. Look for CMT to continue providing opportunities for us to gather for fellowship during the coming spring and summer months.
Financial Peace is looking to finish strong around mid-March. They have hosted a family of several members—each at different places in their financial journey. Some subjects discussed brought a realization that poor money decisions can have long term consequences and opened eyes to a better way of managing personal finances. It's been rewarding to see young people realize they are in charge of their money, not the culture, not the internet.
Speaking of money, Frugal February was another fun adventure for eleven CBC’ers as they met with Donna Bates early in the month to bounce around potential money-saving ideas for their personal budgets—things like canceling subscriptions, blocking tempting spam emails featuring impulse buys as well as how to avoid financial traps with credit cards, etc. Great ideas, folks!
It sounds like the teens in Converge had an exciting and enriching month as well! The snow tubing trip at Bryce Resort must have been a blast, especially with such a large group (25). It's great that they had the chance to partner with Chancellor Baptist for a winter retreat later in the month, too. Focusing on connecting to God while having fun is such a powerful combination—definitely a memorable experience for the teens!
Thus, February has morphed into March. The grass is getting green, and I can see day lilies and Iris peeking through my garden mulch. Spring can’t be far off, now! Until next month stay well and check our website often to learn what’s going on and how you can plug in at CBC!
January was a month of fresh starts and new opportunities, setting the tone for the year ahead. The beginning of the month was filled with energy and promise along with the first significant snow and frigid temperatures in single digits. Now, as we head into February, temperatures are inching up and 40-something is beginning to feel like a heat wave! Despite the cold, here at CBC there’s always a warm welcome to the many activities. As we wrap up the month, it's a great moment to reflect on what was accomplished and how we can carry that momentum into the months ahead.
Small groups are up and running again with an assortment from which to choose. For individuals who want to get a handle on their finances, Financial Peace, led by Skip and Lou Price, was a good choice. FP is a common-sense approach that helps participants learn to budget, pay off debt and make your money work for you. In addition, Donna Bates also introduced us to Frugal February near the end of the month. It’s a fun and creative way to become more aware of how you spend your money, become more fiscally responsible, and share information on financial stewardship as it relates to Kingdom work.
Before We Worship is another new group centered around preparing our hearts for worship and is led by Lindsay Dean. This is a time to focus attention on the Lord and pray together over the Sunday morning ministries before worship begins. If this appeals to you, feel free to contact Lindsay for additional information.
Want to get to know your church family better? Spring dinner groups are returning, and you can still sign up through February 2. What an informal way to make new friends! The groups meet once per month for three to four months and usually have 10-12 participants per group. For more information, contact Ann Lucas or send an email to office@culpeperbaptist.org to get your name in the hat!
Our worship team held their winter kickoff near the end of the month for folks who serve or are interested in serving with one of our music ensembles, serving with the audio-visual team, or leading in prayer/responsive readings, etc. It was a very relaxed evening of fellowship, music, and dinner.
The Culpeper Winter Heat Shelter opened its doors in November to provide safe, warm overnight sleeping accommodations and hot meals for homeless individuals and families in need. CBC’s week to serve rolled around in mid-January, and we had volunteers of all ages to help with meals and visit with our friends at the shelter. A BIG Thank You to everyone for taking time to help!
Near the end of the month, we partnered with Emerald Hill Elementary School to collect travel-size personal hygiene products for 4th and 5th graders to support the hygiene education effort and promote awareness. It's so important to teach young students about personal care and hygiene, and providing the necessary products is a big step toward that goal.
It sounds as if February is shaping up to be a vibrant month full of exciting opportunities! The Bible study on the Gospel of John, led by Pastor Dan, sounds like a great opportunity for spiritual growth, and the women’s brunch on February 8th will surely be a wonderful time to connect with others. It’s also exciting to hear about the new children's choir—such a great initiative for young ones! And of course, the Culpeper Concert Series launch in March with the Davin-Levin Duo promises to be a captivating performance. Visit our website often for further details as well as all the ‘family’ news! Until next month, stay well.