Church Letter – May 7

Dear Friends –

Hans and I are doing a Bible study on Psalms.  Walter Brueggemann suggests there are three ways to view the psalms – orientation, disorientation and reorientation.  We do 3 sessions a week, and you can see them on our Facebook and YouTube.  During each session, we focus on a psalm and identify where it fits within these three views.

In the first few sessions we have focused on some of the psalms of disorientation.  That seems to be most relevant to our current situation.  Unlike some of the shows we are binge watching or the books we are binge reading – times of disorientation are not resolved by the end of the show or the close of the book.  Much of life is learning to live in disorientation; so, let’s do this together.  Please do not isolate yourself – reach out, make a call, send a text/e-mail/note.  It is in times of disorientation we most need each other and our community most needs the grace and truth of Jesus Christ.

Here are some ways to stay connected during disorientation:

  • Stay engaged online and invite others. Show up on time and worship, take notes, interact with comments, seek prayer. Also, it’s never been easier to invite someone! Share it on your social media, email, text a friend to “join you.”  We also are mailing DVD’s and other information and encouragement about our church.  Please let us know if you (or someone you know) would like to receive these mailouts.
  • Be in prayer. Name the disorientation you are feeling before God. Pray for our church.  Pray for a greater sense of mission.  Pray for our community.  Pray for our Child Development Center.  Pray for the “reorientation” we need to experience that only comes from God.  Pray for the new day He is bringing us.
  • Serve and give. Let’s not grow weary in doing good.  Our church volunteerism needs to become community volunteerism.  There are incredible opportunities for us to impact lives.  It’s a time for give rather than take.

The evidence of the psalms; the history of our church and our lives, is that God is at work in times of disorientation.  Let’s help each other see His work.

Dan, 540-825-8192

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